Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Greenply, Staying ahead of the times 3

Posted by MDF Board  |  at  23:29

Greenply is already the leader company in HPL & Plywood market. What is your strategy to attain the No. 1 position in MDF business also?

Despite the fact that we have yet to reach our full production capacity, we can at this point confidently claim to have already achieved the number one position in the Indian Market having secured the largest market share, in our very first year itself.

We have been able to achieve this in such a short time by using a time-tested strategy of offering branded, high quality products, which are easily available to the customer, in a complete range of products best suited to his requirements. Our 360 degree approach in marketing has led us to simultaneously enter different sectors like retail, projects, application based industries, furnishings etc.

We are at the same time aware of the challenges that lie ahead and continue to be deeply committed to creating new markets for MDF by promoting its uses, applications and advantages in the trade, as well as among its end-users through extensive education programmed, which currently sold through a network of 375 distribution and retail points.

It has been an eventful journey during which we have not only built an extensive dealer network, which is spread across the country today, but also simultaneously worked at developing the market at a steady pace and level. We have also started exports of MDF in a small way which we surely hope to grow in the coming time.

What is the product range currently being offered in Green Panelmax MDF?

Green Panelmax MDF has been launched in the plain MDF range with standard and special sized MDF boards and in various thicknesses, as mentioned above, Pre-laminated MDF and now Veneered MDF.

The Indian market is growing rapidly, not just for interior infrastructure and furnishing sectors, but also in relatively newer applications as well, where engineered substitutes for low-end woodbased panels are fast growing, aloe the handicrafts, toys, photo frames, no other Indian company in the trade has so far initiated.

A large influential group of potential users, the carpenters, has yet to be convinced and educated on its usage, and this is foremost on our minds. We are actively pursuing such engagements through the length and breadth of the country and are extremely optimistic about the results we are bound to achieve, not only for ourselves, but for the entire engineered panel industry as a whole.

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