Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Greenply, Staying ahead of the times 2

Posted by MDF Board  |  at  23:27

India is a huge market with a lot of imported stuff in same category. What are your plans to overcome this competition?

Before the launch of Greenply's Green Panelmax MDF, a majority of the bigger users of MDF, like OEM, were wholly dependent on imported MDF, as indigenously manufactured MDF did not meet their quality and quantity requirements. They were forced to rely on irregular imports and prices. Uncontrolled MDF imports had also led to dumping of poor quality MOF, which fortunately has been quelled now with the timely intervention of Govt. authorities.

Customers now have the option of getting regular supplies of high quality MDF in a wide range of customer friendly products, at regular prices from India’s well-known leading Interior infrastructure company. Indian consumers can be assured of getting a high-performance, world class product, which comes with the guarantee of an established brand name like Greenply. Dealing with a local firm also ensures a quality guarantee as well as a service backup which importers are unable to provide. Consumers are also protected against the highly fluctuating currency values which have been rather uncertain in the past months. The market is also moving towards a state on consciousness our view, the cu-rent range of MDF applications in use, are just the tip of an iceberg and many more possibilities exist, which are yet to be exploited.

How has the newly established Engineered Panel Division and the MOF business of Greenply shaped up over the last 12 months?

We have completed a full year of consistent and continuous production of Green Panelmax MDF at our Pantnagar unit, which incidentally, will soon be reaching its full production capacity of 1, 80,000 cu mtrs, by March 2012.

I am pleased to report that Green Panelmax MDF is available in all parts of India today in a full range of sizes ( 8'x 6', 8'x 4', 7'x 6', 7'x4', 6'x 4, 6'x3') and thickness ranging from 2.5mm to 35mm, which no other Indian manufacturer has been able to provide so far. Apart from Pre-laminated MDF, we have also now launched Veneered Medium Density Fibre boards (MDF) in a range of decorative veneers, to further enhance our product basket. We have also been able to establish a very strong supply chain network and our MDF is where quality is an important factor and fv1DF panels are no more being treated like a commodity with price being the driving factor. On these given parameters we are confident of meeting any competition, local or international, on equal terms by delivering the best there is.

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