Tuesday, 31 December 2013

What Have Been The Key Factors in Greenply's SUCCESS?

Posted by MDF Board  |  at  02:10

One of the key factors that have led us to be the market leader has, of course, been our obsession with quality in the products that we offer in the market. We have always opted to invest in the best technologies. We invested into the largest plywood manufacturing facility in the country with the highest investment ever made. We were also the first people to install a continuous press for the manufacture of Medium Density Fiberboards (MDF) in the country. We truly believe in economies of scale and this is why we opted to invest into such a large MDF plant with 600 m3/day capacity at a point when no one could imagine, that kind of quantity could be sold in the country~ We had the confidence on our distribution network, on our product quality and on our brand, that we would be able to achieve those figures and we are actually achieving those figures today.

Also the ability to take risks - we took the decision to invest into an MDF plant when the world economy was absolutely at a low point and most industries were backing out of new investments. We actually thought of it as the perfect time to make an investment. We assumed that the market economy would pick up in the coming years. It was also an opportunity to get very competitive rates in terms of our capital expenditure and our loans. It worked out beautifully for us.

These factors, our obsession with quality, willingness to take risks, our confidence in our brand, and, of course, the fact that we also command one of the strongest distribution and retail networks in the country are all key factors that have contributed to Greenply’s position today. There is a customer faith involved as well; do we stand behind our products?? Do we service them properly?? We were the first people in the country to offer lifetime-guaranteed plywood. This has resulted in a lot of goodwill for our company in the Indian market.

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