Monday, 31 October 2011

Exclusive Interview for Modern Woodwork - Part 3

Posted by MDF Board  |  at  22:16

Mr. Shobhan Mittal, Executive Director, Engineered Panel Division

Q: What according to your assessment, is the one  thing that  will  make  your Company products to stand out in the market ?

Ans: Mr. Shobhan Mittal: It will be our endeavour to be able to replace imported products by offering a variety of products and maintaining a high quality  at  competitive  prices  for  locally manufactured ones.  We feel confident of being able to target many applications and usages that will eventually lead to the capacity utilization of our plant. We are also confident that world standard  MDF  can  be  produced  by  us competitively enough to take on competition from foreign suppliers.  Along with that we promise quality guarantees and after sales service which Greenply is known for. The aim is to also to be able to replace unbranded imported products with our products and we are sure that we will be able to convince many consumers to shift their preference to use our products.

Q: What will be the prospects of Indian & global MDF/ particleboard industry in near and distant future ? How will you nvisage this industry ten years down from now?

Ans: Mr. Shobhan Mittal: Looking at the existing worldwide scenario in the panel industry today, almost 80%  market share belongs to the engineered panel boards as compared to only 20% of plywood.  Though the trend in India is presently in reverse, we at Greenply forsee an eventual shift in the same direction, specially in view of the Indian govt's restrictions on licensing for the manufacture of plywood.
At our end we are gearing ourselves to grow the market  through  extensive education programmes on usage and applications of panel products for carpenters, who are the major influencers, and   customers, to accept home furniture made with MDF and be reassured of its strength and durability.
Compared to China which has 400 MDF plants, in India,  which  has  almost 80%  of  China's population, we have only 5 today. In the current scenario  where the  demand for more cost-effective panelled products is spiralling everyday with the boom in the building and construction industry, the estimated growth percentage is expected to be around 20-25 % year on year, which
bodes well for us. In the coming years we expect the  demand  for  panel  products to  go up proportionately.

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